A weird question from my friend Brittany

After watching a highly successful sales presentation I did, my friend Brittany asked me this question:

“What’s up with all of the weird hand gestures you make when you speak? Are you doing some crazy subliminal stuff?” Then in true Brittany fashion, she started mimicking my “weird” hand gestures.

Okay, I’m about to tell you a secret that I’ve never revealed to anyone before that WILL make you more sales if you’re doing a live streaming video presentation or heck, even if you are doing a presentation in front of a group of people. NOTE: This does NOT apply to webinars.

To answer Brittany’s question: YES, there is powerful psychology behind movement when you’re selling.

Naturally, I can’t teach you everything you need to know about it here but, let me share with you two concepts.

First, is the effect of movement on your own personal psychology. Tony Robbins correctly says that “emotion is created by motion,” By moving your body when presenting and gesturing powerfully with your hands and arms, you increase your energy and power. This energy and power are then projected forth to your viewers as confidence and passion. Since selling is based on the transference of emotion, this positively affects your sales.

Second, is the effect your movement has on the psychology of your viewers. In addition to the “transference of emotion,” I just told you about, you can hold your audience in rapt attention by moving powerfully and then stopping all movement. The “pause” breaks your viewers’ mental pattern and causes them to focus intently on you and what you are saying.  This amplifies the importance of what you’re saying and makes your viewer more suggestible.

This is advanced stuff, kemosabe that you won’t learn anywhere but here.

I’ve got a lot more coming for you soon. A LOT more.

Stay tuned and, as always…

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Crazy Gestures” Dee








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