A selling tool I betcha you aren’t using but should

Dr. Dee is headed to the Windy City today to wow a group of entrepreneurs at GKIC’s Fast Start Implementation Bootcamp. (GKIC is now an excellent client of mine and amongst other things, I conduct the bootcamps for them – obviously a wise move.)

One of the things I’m going to teach the lucky attendees is how to use email to sell. I’m SHOCKED by how many business owners don’t have a consistent email marketing strategy in place. Do you?

I mean are you emailing your list at least once a week? And I’m not talking about some lame, boring, “professional” email that no one reads. I’m talking about really good emails that are personal, entertaining, get read and get acted upon.

As you know, I send one a day. I first learned the power of this from Matt Furey and it was reinforced by email master Ben Settle.

Methinks, you aren’t going to send a daily email, even if you should, but you MUST start sending at least one a week, at the same time on the same day.

How do you write them? For starters, just look at the emails I send you daily. That’s exactly how you should do it.

By the way, I use email to SELL not to just “stay in touch.”

I close $25,000 -$120,000 consulting and done for you services with EMAIL. (You read that correctly. I do NOT close over the phone. I close with email.)

The private event I’m having in my home in June is sold out and was 100% sold via EMAIL.

Don’t listen to gurus who tell you it’s dead. No, Bubba, it’s alive and well for people who know what they’re doing.

If you want to learn to do email right, I’ve got something very cool brewing for you so stay glued to your inbox.

Okay, time for me to get ready to fly.

I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “DEEmail” Dee







Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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And Profit” plus a free ticket to Dave’s upcoming online workshop and his daily email tips.

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